Sunday, October 19, 2008

Follow Me

My favorite thing about attending services in Starkville is the singing. It's absolutely beautiful! I truly believe that's what the singing in Heaven will sound like. So, I was in church services this morning when we started to sing song #395 Follow Me. I was thinking to myself I'm not sure if I'm familiar with this song, but as we started to sing it and I concentrated on the words we were singing I realized there was a whole lot more to this song. The song read as follows...
I traveled down a lonely road and no one seemed to care, The burden on my weary back Had bowed me to despair, I often complained to Jesus How folks were treating me, And then I heard Him say so tenderly, "My feet were also weary, Upon the Calv'ry road; The cross became so heavy, I fell beneath the load, Be faithful weary pilgrim in The morning I can see, Just lift your cross and follow close to me."
"I work so hard for Jesus" I often boast and say, I've sacrificed a lot of things To walk the narrow way, I gave up fame and fortune; I'm worth a lot to Thee," And then I hear Him gently say to me "I left the throne of glory And counted it but loss, My hands were nailed in anger Upon a cruel cross, But now we'll make the journey With your hand safe in Mine, So lift your cross and follow close to me."
Oh, Jesus if I die upon A foreign filed some day, 'Twould be no more than love demands No less could I repay, "No greater love hath mortal man Than for a friend to die" These are the words He gently spoke to me, "If just a cup of water I place within your hand Then just a cup of water Is all that I demand, " But if by death to living They can Thy glory see, I'll take my cross and follow close to Thee.
After getting tears in my eyes and feeling like as if I were only an inch tall. I realized I am guilty of complaining of such little things that I believe I have sacrificed to be a Christian and struggling through life's everyday challenges that these things I come face to face with are nothing compared to what Christ did for us so that we may spend eternity with him one day in Heaven.

I just found this song very encouraging to myself and thought others might as well. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

3 weeks?!....

well, it's been over 3 weeks since I've last posted. I've just been so busy with school. We had midterms last week and boy am I glad to have those over with!!!

Here are some pictures of things I have done in my free time though. The first two are from bulldog bash and the rest are from when I took my niece and nephew to the Memphis Zoo :)

Me and my good friend Indi @ Bulldog Bash.